Washington Township
Small Claims Court
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Small Claims Rules
Telephonic Hearings
Video Hearings
Printable Court Forms
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Payment on Judgment
Costs and Filing Fees
Litigant Resources
Small Claims Court Judge
Small Claims Court
Video Hearings

The parties will be required to follow the following guidelines in the event that the court grants a request to conduct a trial or evidentiary hearing in a video format:

         I. APPEARANCE
  1. Each party, their attorney and each witness identified shall receive an invitation in their email to participate by video format in the proceeding.

  2. Attorneys are directed to efile notice of the email address where counsel can be reached on the day and time that this matter is scheduled for hearing.
    1. The efile notice must be submitted prior to 4:00 PM one (1) business day before the hearing.

    2. Failure to provide an email address shall be treated as failure to appear for hearing.

  3. Self-represented litigants, shall provide an email address to the court that the self-represented litigant can be reached at on the day and time this matter is scheduled for hearing in the following manner:
    1. A self-represented litigant may submit an email address to the court by email at washingtontownship.smallclaims@gmail.com. The transmission of this email must occur prior to 4:00 PM one (1) business day prior to hearing. This is the preferred method to submit an email address to the court.

    2. A self-represented litigant may submit an email address to the court by sending a message to the court by FAX transmission at 317-327-8190. The FAX must be submitted by 4:00 PM one (1) business day before the hearing. A self-represented litigant is responsible for keeping written confirmation of the FAX transmission.

    3. Failure to provide an email address shall be treated as failure to appear for hearing and may result in default, dismissal, or other such adverse consequence for that party.


  5. All proposed exhibits must be submitted to the court three (3) business days prior to the scheduled hearing as follows:

  6. Attorneys must efile a copy of each exhibit that counsel intends to offer at the time of hearing as an attachment to a “Notice of Exhibits” subject to the following:
    1. Counsel may submit multiple exhibits together under one “Notice of Exhibits” as long as each exhibit is clearly marked with an exhibit tag.

    2. Documents that have been submitted along with the Notice of Claim pursuant to Small Claims Rule 2(B)(4) shall be considered submitted and do not have to be submitted a second time as an attachment to the “Notice of Exhibits”.

    3. Audio and video recordings shall be submitted to the court in the form of a flash drive. Exhibits tendered in this form and manner must be received by the court three (3) business days prior to the scheduled hearing.

    4. All other Exhibits that exist in a form that cannot be copied as a document should be photographed and submitted as a picture in the manner described above for other exhibits.

  7. Self-represented litigants must submit a copy of each exhibit that the litigant intends to offer at the time of hearing in the following manner:
    1. A copy of each exhibit may be submitted to the court as an attachment to an email directed to washingtontownship.smallclaims@gmail.com. The email must clearly identify the cause number of the case and the name of the litigant who is submitting the exhibit.

    2. A copy of each exhibit may be submitted to the court by FAX transmission at 317-327-8190. The defendant is responsible for keeping confirmation of the FAX transmission.

    3. A copy of each exhibit may be submitted at the court office located at:

      Washington Township Small Claims Court
      5302 N. Keystone Ave, Suite E
      Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

    4. Each proposed exhibit submitted to the court must clearly identify the cause number of the case and the name of the litigant who is submitting the proposed exhibit. Exhibits tendered in this form and manner must be received by the court three (3) business days prior to the scheduled hearing.

    5. Documents that have been submitted along with the Notice of Claim pursuant to Small Claims Rule 2(B)(4) shall be considered submitted and do not have to be submitted a second time.

    6. Audio and video recordings shall be submitted to the court in the form of a flash drive. Exhibits tendered in this form and manner must be received by the court three (3) business days prior to the scheduled hearing.

    7. All other exhibits that exist in a form that cannot be copied as a document should be photographed and submitted as a picture in the manner described above for other exhibits.

    8. Each litigant must provide a copy of the proposed exhibit to the other party and provide verification to the court that the litigant has provided a copy of the proposed exhibit to the other party.

  8. A self-represented litigant should not submit a copy of a document with a complete social security number or a complete financial account number without redacting that information. In particular the litigant should copy the original document and strike the first five numbers of a social security number with “white out” or black marker. Additionally, the litigant should strike all but the last four numbers from a financial record with “white out” or black marker. Further authority on this subject matter is provided in Indiana Administrative Rule 9.

  9. Submitting a proposed exhibit to the court does not mean the exhibit has automatically been admitted into evidence. An exhibit will not be eligible to be admitted into evidence unless it is offered into evidence at the time of hearing through a party or witness under oath in compliance with Small Claims Rule 8(A).

  10. It is each litigant’s responsibility to verify that their proposed exhibits have been received by the court by the deadline described above by reviewing the case chronological summary on mycase.in.gov.


  12. Each party is responsible for providing an email address for each person who that party intends to call as a witness. The phone number must be provided to the court in the same manner as detailed above under the caption of Appearance.

  14. Rule 2.17 of the Indiana Code of Judicial Conduct, entitled, “Prohibiting Broadcasting of Proceedings”, provides that judges must prohibit the recording of Court proceedings. Accordingly, everyone who in any way participates in, sees, or hears the Court proceeding is now Ordered that they shall not record the proceedings in any manner. Violations of this rule and Order may be punished by Contempt of Court.